Tag Archives: Regeneration

Consultation on regenerating Walthamstow

Waltham Forest Council are currently consulting residents on ideas for how to improve three areas: Walthamstow Town Centre, Wood Street and Blackhorse Lane.

The council has something called a Local Development Framework (LDF) and consulted on this in February. An LDF is basically a plan which is supposed to set out the regeneration and planning strategy for an area over the next 20 years. So, quite important.

Within an LDF, areas which are likely to experience major changes also need an Area Action Plan (AAP). AAPs are now being prepared for Walthamstow Town Centre, Wood Street and Blackhorse Lane. There are separate consultations for each area, and the questions are things like “What do you like about this area?” and “What are your top 3 priorities for the area?”.

All three consultations close on Friday 25 March. The Walthamstow Town Centre form is here, the Wood Street one is here and the Blackhorse Road one is here. As an alternative, you can also email planning.policy@walthamforest.gov.uk with your views, but I’d structure your email along the same lines as the questions in the leaflet.

Planning policy can be quite dry but these might be a good way to influence future council thinking. More detailed technical information on the Waltham Forest LDF can be found on the council website here.